Become a Class Parent

School is back in session—are you class parent material?

We are asking parents who are interested in taking on the class parent role for this year to step up now so we can get our list set and start off our year smoothly.

Being a class parent is a fun way to help your child’s classroom teacher while getting to know the other students and families in the class. Class Parents volunteer for one school year. They support the teacher with non-academic activities and act as a liaison between the class and Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

Tasks vary a bit by teacher and class, but typically class parents: 

  • Create a printed Class Directory and e-mail list so parents can communicate with each other
  • Assist the teacher with finding chaperones/volunteers for class trips and in-class projects
  • Organize holiday and end-of-year celebrations
  • Attend monthly PTA meetings
  • Encourage parents to volunteer for classroom and PTA events throughout the year
  • Help create a classroom community that allows all parents the chance to contribute
  • 5th grade class parents should plan to work with the 5th Grade Rep on yearbook, dance, graduation, etc. 

If you are interested in being a class parent (you can split the job with a friend as co-class parents), please email and provide the following:

Your name:

Your child’s name:



Please provide your 1st choice classroom for which you would like to be a class parent:

Please provide your 2nd choice classroom for which you would like to be a class parent:

Are you willing to be a class parent with a partner?:

Additional comments and/or parent you would like to partner with?:

Thank you, and feel free to contact with questions!

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