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Policies and Procedures
Pickup procedures
Aftercare students can be picked up at the Carroll Kids desk in the school lobby at any time from 3:20pm to 6:30pm. If you find it difficult to pick up by 6:30pm, feel free to make a private arrangement with one of our counselors. Otherwise, you will be charged a late fee.
The first thing a person who comes to pickup must do is sign your child out at the lobby desk. Counselors will request ID until they recognize you, your neighbors, your sitters, and all others authorized to pick up your child.
Pickup name changes
When someone comes for your child who isn’t on your Sawyer registration page, we will not release your child until we reach you and confirm that this is the plan. At times, it is hard or impossible to reach a parent, and often, the individual who has come for your child is annoyed that we are holding them up. Thank you in advance for keeping us posted!
Private counselor care arrangements
If you plan to have a counselor on your child’s dismissal list, you will be asked to sign a waiver. Carroll Kids accepts no responsibility for counselor care arrangements after our program has ended. Please email carolynr@ps58pta.org to request a waiver form. Please note it is our policy that Carroll Kids Counselors are not allowed to work with PS 58 families during our Aftercare program hours.
Please be prompt
We understand that people occasionally run late, but at the same time we ask you to please keep in mind that our staff has commitments of its own beyond Carroll Kids. Should you run later than 6:30pm, a late fee of $10 will be charged until 6:45pm and an additional $15 until 7pm will be billed to your account. Please do not think of this as an additional service, and unfortunately once the school building is closed your child and our counselor will not be permitted to wait inside the building. We reserve the right to drop students from the program when families exceed five latenesses. Late fees must be paid by the end of month.
Please notify us via email at carolynr@ps58pta.org if your child is going to be absent from our afterschool program. When you notify us via email of your child’s absence ahead of time (no later than 11am the day of) you allow us a larger window of time to call parents whose children ARE supposed to be with us, but are NOT. Thankfully, most of the time, we find that an absent child is exactly where he or she is supposed to be, but for safety’s sake, we will never assume it is so. Hopefully, if you think of it this way, you will always remember to notify Carroll Kids when your child is going to be absent.
Schedule changes
For aftercare, we request that you honor your enrollment registration for the session (Fall/Winter/Spring). Every student must register again for aftercare each session even if their schedule remains the same. Please try to register during the registration period before a session begins so we may make sure our rosters are ready for the first day of each session. Registration requests after each session begins will be considered on a space available basis. Days & grades do fill up.
Health and Medical
Allergies and other medical conditions
There is a section in the online registration form that asks about allergies and other medical conditions. Please provide as much information as we need to care for your child. Most often, families of children with SEVERE allergies or special dietary needs provide an alternate snack from home. We encourage parents of children whose needs require special attention or understanding to speak with us directly about his/her needs. We cannot stress enough how important it is that this information is shared with staff.
Minor injuries and illness
Our counselors provide routine treatment (cleaning, bandaging, and ice-packs) when necessary. We are also very fortunate to have our staff nurse on site until 5:30pm most days. Injuries other than minor scrapes and bruises get reported to our office staff, who will let you know by phone during the afternoon. If the office is unable to reach a parent, we will let you know in person at dismissal time. We will call right away if your child has a fever or informs a counselor that they are not feeling well.
Lost & found
Please label ALL of your child’s belongings; there are no cubbies in aftercare. Check the lost and found at your site for any missing belongings.
The PTA Carroll Kids Afterschool Program is not responsible for the loss, breakage, damage, or theft of personal property, including, but not limited to, electronics and musical instruments.
Behavior policy
Please take the time to remind your child that Carroll Kids is a place for all to have fun and that those children who treat others, whether staff or another child, in a way that the senior staff deems disrespectful or otherwise inappropriate, will be suspended or even withdrawn from the program if the problems persist. Drugs, alcohol, and weapons are absolutely prohibited. Personal property should be left at home. Carroll Kids will not be responsible for loss of/damage to personal property brought to Afterschool.
Inclement weather (unplanned closings)
Carroll Kids will always be closed when the public schools are closed for inclement weather. There are also days when the schools are open but the Department of Education closes all buildings at 3pm. On those days, we have no choice but to close Carroll Kids.
In the event we are forced to close, we will post an announcement on ps58brooklyn.org and send an email to parents and guardians.
Need to contact us?
To report an absence, change a pickup name, or for general inquiries, please email carolynr@ps58pta.org or call 718-330-9322 x1001. We’re always happy to help!
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Carroll Kids, the PS 58 PTA Afterschool, is a Not-For-Profit Organization and qualifies as childcare for tax purposes. EIN: 54-2159278